Sunday, January 18, 2009

it's been a looooong time

Well a lot has happened since my last post. One big thing in particular has changed. I was thinking about my salvation and I didn't really remember why I did it. I felt like there was a lot of doubt in it. I think that I did it without really committing to it. Anyway I had doubts and I was at wal-mart thinking about it. I really wanted to nail it down and not worry about that. I thought about the problems that I was dealing with and I realized that I had never actually trusted and had faith that God was going to do anything for me. So I called my pastor and talked with him and I gave my life to Jesus. I know that now without any doubt. I think about the problems that I was dealing with and they are pretty selfish. Also another reason that I doubted was because I don't ever remember actually wanting to read the Bible and learn about God. Now I actually want to get deeper into God's Word and I really want to serve God. But most importantly I always thought about if I was really a Christian and what people would think if I went down there to get it right. When I decided to make that decision I didn't care what anyone thought. I wanted to know for sure and not worry. I didn't care if the preacher, sunday school teachers, or anybody else didn't like it. I had decided to follow Jesus. Well I'm gonna go because it's late.

Praise God for what He has given all of us.